Monday, February 18, 2013


Just wanted to let everyone know we had an amazing time dress shopping! I was so disappointed when they told me the dress I wanted to try on again and show everyone "was not in the show," even though another bride saw it at the expo from that store...ugh.

*In short-found a dress, shop mismeasured, stop was put on order, they pushed it through, and now I have to fight about it.  Not cool bridal store, not cool at all.*

Well I found a great dress that was me. I had to have it measured hollow to hem (I'm short).  I was not going to get it that day because I still wanted to show my friends the other dress but the lady insisted we see what size I would be. Sooooo many things went wrong after this point. The seamstress measured me without the slip on which correlates to the dress being even shorter after it is actually over a slip! Ahhh! After I realized this I freaked out, screamed, swore, and cried. Who does this to a bride?!?! It just continued to build up after the store took their time calling me back. The manager did say she was going to stop my order until I can be remeasued (I live 2.5 hrs away so this can't be anytime soon as in the next month). Ah, fret not! I checked my credit card and it had the charge from the shop on it! They put the charge for the dress through and I have not been back to be remeasured yet! Why am I going to pay for something the shop mistakenly did while measuring? If this happenend the very first time I was measured I am scared as to what will happen.

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