Saturday, May 7, 2016


I am the person who measures a year in the academic school year, August-June.  This year we actually get out before June with no snow make ups! For the last few years it was the first week or even second in June.... What am I going to do with my time? What do teachers do when they don't have specific things to do (lesson plans, students to worry about, papers to grade, homework to grade, alarm clock setting, etc.)? Well for about the first week nothing except lounging.  Then we can't decide what to do with our time because it is something we never have enough of! Pinteresting for our new classroom layouts or ideas starts the second week, third week consists of maybe the realization we are free for a few more weeks but overhaul our closet because organization is not happening there ....  Then we go to the grocery store like Walmart or Target and see "back to school" signs - we hit that stop sign and start panicking! What did we do with our time besides plan for the next school year and read? Ah! The nice tan skin that was earned goes white like my hair, according to some students, and one rushes home and makes a list of everything that needs done before August. Again, time is measured from August-June. 

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