Thursday, June 16, 2016

Summer storm day...

I thought I woke up to have a pool day.  The weather man and woman thought it would pass, at first. This is what it looked like in the beginning...

I read 2 chapters in Uglies by Scott Westerfeld and this is what happened... 
Not cool Mothernature! Go home and bring the sun out! 

So I came inside, ate a hot sausage sandwich, which obviously is zero calories and a swimsuit season food, and made a drink. 
 I had Mascoto, OJ with pulp, Pedialyte, and Malibu.  It is before noon so I made a fake Mimosa sans Champagne. 

1. Any Mascato will do, even if it's an open bottle you "forgot" to drink
2. Some OJ
3. Pour it in a cup - I'm Polish and German so I do not measure, just eyeball it.
4. Drink it. GULP IT. Savor it. Make another one! 


Monday, June 13, 2016

Upcoming info. on new products!

We will be talking about the amazing Oxylent products, some people do work out and need it, and a new kids story called Peter And The Wold In Hollywood! Both items look amazing and I'm excited to have my hubby try the Oxylent while he is training and to read the story -- did I mention it is narrated by Alice Cooper and is an app?! 

Some more wedding pics!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Ice pack! Peas or something else... 🤔

Ever since I was younger my parents would say "Put the bag of peas on it" when we needed an ice pack in my house.  That bag of peas in our freezer saw many injuries, from the basic handprint of a sibiling "just joking" to the baseball smashing into the face that was "accidentally" thrown perfectly to the forehead area.  Let's not talk about that... 

Flash forward to today and as I'm looking in my freezer I realize I don't have peas! Crap! I had frozen cauliflower and it didn't really conform like I wanted.  I tried my Little Green Giant Steamers Sweet Corn... Seemed like it would be easy to mold on whatever area it needed iced. 

Well, this is for my dog.  He hurt his knee, this has to be the 129th time, so off to the vet we go.  It turns out he partially tore his LCL when he was young but t was not enough to warrant surgery. His x-Ray also showed he is arthritic in his right hip and the vet did a demonstration with his hands to show me the hip socket and how it moves.  They also told me my dog needs to lose weight, 10-20 pounds to be exact! He only eats 2 cups of dog food a day so I was instantly thinking well I'm starving him now and he is going to be so P.O. when he doesn't get his morning treat for pooping and peeing...Geeze...

As a self proclaimed expert and coinssoiur of food ice packs, I thought the corn would have been a great idea.  It smelled yummy and was so interested in the smell that he just wanted to lick the cheese cloth towel I wrapped it in and my room smelled like dinner sides.  Hm...

Homemade ice pack to the rescue! I put 3 things of water to 1 giant pour of rubbing alcohol.  I actually asked hubbys dad if we had any alcohol and he said only the drinking kind- hahaha!  I put it in a sliding ziplock bag and then doubled that bag just in case it had a hole.  Supposedly it will not freeze and just get really cold, so we shall see when it is done "freezing" and put on my dogs knee! 

Saturday, May 7, 2016


I am the person who measures a year in the academic school year, August-June.  This year we actually get out before June with no snow make ups! For the last few years it was the first week or even second in June.... What am I going to do with my time? What do teachers do when they don't have specific things to do (lesson plans, students to worry about, papers to grade, homework to grade, alarm clock setting, etc.)? Well for about the first week nothing except lounging.  Then we can't decide what to do with our time because it is something we never have enough of! Pinteresting for our new classroom layouts or ideas starts the second week, third week consists of maybe the realization we are free for a few more weeks but overhaul our closet because organization is not happening there ....  Then we go to the grocery store like Walmart or Target and see "back to school" signs - we hit that stop sign and start panicking! What did we do with our time besides plan for the next school year and read? Ah! The nice tan skin that was earned goes white like my hair, according to some students, and one rushes home and makes a list of everything that needs done before August. Again, time is measured from August-June. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Did someone say Windows?

The word windows is a trigger word for me now... I get the shake and twitch from my toes to my eyes. No, really I do! So many problems but I am being hopeful that the company we bought them from will come through with something amazing for ALL the trouble, missed work, worries, time put behind schedule, etc., etc. because the list can go on.  I have talked with others who have had this problem and was advised of certain options to accept.  I hope we can be moved in all the way by fall, but at this rate I need Windows (iPhone automatically makes it a proper noun which is so funny!) for next winter or we will more than definetly freeze and everything we will break. Anyone else have an idea on what I should do besides "wait" for the large companies response to what is acceptable for this trouble? Please let me know, all options are considered! 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Avacado Egg!

I love avocados but my hubs thinks they taste like dirt.  They will never mysteriously disappear like the Sour Patch Kids or chips - win for me! 

I tried it with 1 egg per avocado like I've seen others do - overflow! I just want nice warm, baked goodness so I left more of it instead of scooping it out. I also added garlic in the mix too - nothing says "good morning honey" like garlic breath! I am such a keeper...

If you push them against the cookie sheet you can flatten the bottoms some. I just put tooth picks in them to keep them semi-level for transport! 

Of course I thought they did not look pretty, on went some cheese and bacon! Arteries need love too, right? 

Finished product after baking for 16-20 mins. at 450 degrees. 


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